Our school empowers students to organise themselves for daily school life by giving them the tools they need to succeed. Students are able to become independent, confident learners, which sets them up to navigate the complexity and challenges of the modern world.
The Houses of Brigidine College
The College houses of Aquinas, Brigid, Regina, Winifred, Xavier are named for figures of great importance to the Catholic faith, and after the Brigidine Sisters who themselves adopted these names. The house system flows through the College Pastoral Care structure and is a source of belonging, pride, and school spirit, along with a healthy dose of friendly rivalry and competition!
Students represent their House in every aspect of school life: through their participation in liturgy, social justice and fundraising, their academic effort and performance, their conduct and attendance, their participation and performance on the sporting field, the concert stage, and the wide range of activities offered at the College. In this way, the College houses enable Brigidine students to share their talents and gifts for the benefit for all.
Each year the College Houses compete for the inter-house Spirit Cup, which is named in honour of Sr. Sheelagh.
Saint Thomas Aquinas was a priest of the Dominican order and is a Doctor of the Church. As a philosopher and theologian, Saint Thomas has influenced centuries of religious and academic thought. He is a model of learning, curiosity and perseverance, and his diverse writings cover such fields as religion, scripture, ethics, economics and politics. St Thomas Aquinas is the patron of Catholic universities and schools.
Sister Aquinas Butler

St. Brigid

Saint Brigid of Kildare is the patron saint of the Brigidine Sisters. She established communities of prayer, education and culture, and revolutionised Irish society with her philosophy that education has the power to transform and liberate those who are vulnerable. Brigid is celebrated as a woman who was both strong and gentle, and her charism is the inspiration for Brigidine communities all over the world.
Daniel Delany is the founder of the Brigidine Sisters. Witnessing a need for education and the care of the poor, oppressed and vulnerable, Delany asked six sisters to form an order in the name of St Brigid. Delany was known for his maxim ‘Nothing is as strong as gentleness. Nothing is as gentle as real strength’ and from this came the motto of the Brigidine Sisters – Fortiter et Suaviter; with Strength and Gentleness.
Bishop Daniel Delany

Sister Regina Reader

Regina Mundi is translated as ‘Queen of the World,’ and is an honourific of Mary, the mother of Jesus. Mary was a young woman when she courageously answered ‘yes’ to God’s call. She was never far from Jesus during his ministry: at the Wedding at Cana, it was Mary who urged Jesus to complete his first miracle, and in the last moments of Jesus’ earthly life, he commissioned Mary to be the mother of all who believe. Every day at midday we ask Mary to intercede on our behalf when we say the Angelus together.
This house is named for Sister Winifred Lee csb who, in 1949, established the Brigidine College Orchestra. Saint Brigid herself placed a high value on the place of music and the arts in education, and Sister Winifred embodies this important aspect of our charism. Brigidine students have always excelled in the performing arts, thanks in no small part to the contribution of pioneers like Sr Winifred. Renowned as a gifted, innovative and creative musician and music teacher, her legacy lives on in the multifaceted expression of music in the Brigidine College community today.
Sister Winifred Lee

Sister Xavier Kenny

As Christians, we are called to share the good news of Jesus’ love with all the people of the world. Xavier house is named for Saint Francis Xavier, a Jesuit priest who devoted his life to the expansion of the Church. Because of pioneers like St Francis Xavier, Catholics are able to provide education, health care, and advocacy for vulnerable and marginalized people everywhere. Saint Francis inspires us to be people of justice, who actively seek to help those who are in need.