We value positive relationships with parents and carers to help develop better social and emotional skills in children. We know that when children are engaged with their learning, they attend school more regularly, leading to better long term outcomes.
For parenting and counselling services, visit the Family Support page, and for direction and clarity on regulations, processes and procedures at our school, read the Sydney Catholic School policies.
It is the responsibility of any school to make available to parents comprehensive information about itself. Brigidine communicates about itself through:
- The Website. The Brigidine website gives a general overview of the history and present operation of the school. The website is changed each week and parents are notified to view the website by email. The Brigidine Annual Report is used on the MySchool website.
- The Annual Calendar. Brigidine will provide a year calendar for parents in the Sentral portal at the beginning of each year and the calendar is on the website. This enables parents to check exam times and other crucial times for their daughter at school as they plan family activities. Any changes to the calendar will be communicated to parents through the newsletter as well as being updated on the website calendar. These changes should be rare. No dates for Brigidine activities will be changed because families have chosen to have an extended holiday from school.
- Curriculum Information Nights. Brigidine holds information nights to discuss the specific needs of a year level. The date and times of these nights will be advertised on the calendar and again in the newsletter. Curriculum handbooks for students and families are distributed on these nights. These documents hold the policies and procedures that are relevant to a cohort or Stage. There are some policies that are created specifically for and by Brigidine, however, the great majority of them comply with the requirements of the NSW Board of Studies. www.boardofstudies.nsw.edu.au
- Letters home about specific events. There are many of these during the year. No girl is able to go on any excursion without a signed permission letter which has communicated to parents information about the excursion.
- Academic Reports. The content and timing of these reports comply with Federal Government requirements. Academic reports are not sent home to families whose fees are in arrears without a formal agreement with the business manager
- Phone calls and emails. It is the principal’s expectation of staff that they return phone calls and emails within three school days (a Sydney Catholic School’s policy) and that their conversation with parents is honest, open to the ideas of parents and courteous. Brigidine Staff will terminate an abusive phone call and will not reply to an abusive or accusatory email. As employees in a Catholic community, Brigidine staff can expect to be treated with courtesy. Parents are expected to remain faithful to the promise they made on enrolment to support Brigidine’s Catholic ethos and values.
- The email address for all Brigidine staff is: info@bcrandwick.catholic.edu.au
- Formal Parent Teacher Interviews. The dates of these formal interviews are on the calendar and advertised well beforehand in the newsletter. Students are expected to attend these interviews. Parents sign up for meetings through Sentral.
Parents participate in their daughter’s education firstly by understanding the nature of the kind of education offered at Brigidine and by knowing and supervising the details of their daughter’s involvement. As well as keeping informed through reading documents and attending information sessions, there are ‘Showcase’ nights during the year when parents can view the work of Brigidine students. These annual events are the TAS night, the Art Show, the YR12 Design and Technology Major Works display and the Musical and or Concert. These nights all require not only parent attendance but also parent help with the catering that attends the event. The assistance of parents at these functions, as well as thecocktail party at the beginning of each year is asked through the website and email.